Achievement Player Gaming Group Date
Diversified Gamer Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Time Traveller Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Time Traveller Mari Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Diversified Gamer Mari Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Champion of Champions Nath Galante Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
United We Fall Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
United We Fall Leandro Morais Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Team Player Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Dominion's Child Ritch Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Team Player Leandro Morais Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Totally Categorized Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Punisher Leandro Morais Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Totally Categorized Leandro Morais Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
NemePoints Collector Mari Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Dice Chucker Mari Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
So Close! Mari Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Champion of Champions Bruna Arcibelli Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Diversified Gamer Tommy Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Totally Categorized Nath Galante Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Champion of Champions Giu Clube dos Boardgameiros 9/18/2021
Time Traveller Gil❤️ alls92's Gaming Group 9/17/2021
Top Dog Luisa alls92's Gaming Group 9/17/2021
Time Traveller Luisa alls92's Gaming Group 9/17/2021
Diversified Gamer Matteo Genovese matthew80's Gaming Group 9/17/2021
Mechanical Purveyor Marianne Theo Group2Potes 9/17/2021