Achievement Player Gaming Group Date
Top Dog Ilona K Algraud's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Social Butterfly Ilona K Algraud's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Social Butterfly Algraud Algraud's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Champion of Champions Kristina J Algraud's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Champion of Champions Jolanta B Algraud's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Diversified Gamer Alexandre Marianne Group2Potes 12/16/2021
Time Traveller Alexandre Marianne Group2Potes 12/16/2021
Mechanical Purveyor Rob ScottMcGill's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Diversified Gamer Catherine ScottMcGill's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Diversified Gamer Phil J ScottMcGill's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Time Traveller Phil J ScottMcGill's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Diversified Gamer Josh Chits and Giggles 12/16/2021
Top Dog ESMP ESMP's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Usurper Kevin Fernandes KevinBaron's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
United We Fall Raphaëlle Maldoror's Gaming Group 12/16/2021
Social Butterfly Beth M materpillar's Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Mechanical Purveyor Beth M materpillar's Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Despicable Me Aulnecoeur PB² 12/15/2021
Punisher Juan Pablo FVE Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Team Player Asia mBird 's Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Mechanical Purveyor Jaime FVE Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Time Traveller Darkfaab Darkfaab's Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Champion of Champions Stuart - Fetteresso GX and Associates 12/15/2021
Champion of Champions Dadosvo Dadosvo's Gaming Group 12/15/2021
Time Traveller Aubry Smith Clayton Parker’s Gaming Group 12/15/2021