Achievement Player Gaming Group Date
Diversified Gamer Marco Marelli MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Stefano Nasca MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Social Butterfly MartyParty MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
NemePoints Collector MartyParty MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer MartyParty MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions MartyParty MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Busy Bee MartyParty MartyParty's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions Josh Tabscott Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Busy Bee Steve Wardell Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions Bob Meister Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions Alaura Meister Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Bob Meister Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Donna Meister Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions Doug Cowell Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Busy Bee Allison Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Team Player Allison Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Nick Little Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Kim Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Despicable Me Michiel Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Social Butterfly Interactions - Jordan Mostly Interactions 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Eline Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Champion of Champions Eline Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Busy Bee Eline Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Diversified Gamer Luuk Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016
Punisher Michiel Kabbedijk's Gaming Group 7/23/2016