Game Info

Walk the Plank!
3 - 5 players
average 20 minutes
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Card Game Humor Pirates
Simultaneous Action Selection Action / Movement Programming Player Elimination Take That

In Walk the Plank!, players represent the worst pirates in a captain's crew. The captain has rounded you all up because you're all lazy and stupid and simply not worth the rum and loot you get paid. That said, the captain has decided he's willing to keep two of you in his crew. To prove you're worthy, you will fight amongst yourselves, trying to shove other players' pirates off the end of the plank while keeping yours alive! In game terms, each round players secretly stack three of their ten action cards, then they take turns revealing and playing those actions one by one no matter what's gone wrong between the planning and the doing. If you plan to have a pirate shove someone off the plank on your third move and all he sees are his own best mates, he will still shove away! Some cards bear a skull on them, and these powerful cards must remain on the table the round after they're played, but otherwise players then pick up their action cards and start a new round. As soon as two or fewer pirates remain on board, the game ends and the owner (or owners) of these pirates win! Watch out, though, as sometimes every pirate will end up in the drink, which means that no one wins other than the sharks circling in the water below...

Overall Statistics for TGIM

Total Games Played: 1
Average Players Per Game 3

Win/Loss Statistics for TGIM

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
RobèrB 1 8.00 
100 %
LeylaC 1 4.00 
0 %
XanderB 1 4.00 
0 %

    Last 1 Played Games for TGIM

    Date Played Result
    1st RobèrB
    2nd LeylaC
    2nd XanderB