Game Info

Champions of Midgard
2 - 4 players
average 75 minutes
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Medieval Fantasy Mythology Dice Fighting Adventure
Dice Rolling Set Collection Variable Player Powers Worker Placement

Champions of Midgard is a middleweight, Viking-themed, worker placement game with dice rolling in which players are leaders of Viking clans who have traveled to an embattled Viking harbor town to help defend it against the threat of trolls, draugr, and other mythological Norse beasts. By defeating these epic creatures, players gain glory and the favor of the gods. When the game ends, the player who has earned the most glory earns the title of Jarl and is recognized as a champion of Midgard! Placing workers allows for the collection of resources and warriors, which players may then send on journeys to neighboring villages or across the sea to defeat monsters and gain the glory they need for victory. Resources are used to carve runes, build ships, and feed your followers. Viking warriors (custom dice) do battle with the myriad enemies the town faces.

Overall Statistics for RM's Gaming Group

Total Games Played: 2
Average Players Per Game 2

Win/Loss Statistics for RM's Gaming Group

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Carla 47  2 24.00 
50 %
Richard Marsh 47  2 24.00 
50 %

    Last 2 Played Games for RM's Gaming Group

    Date Played Result
    1st Richard Marsh (155 game points scored)
    2nd Carla (143 game points scored)
    1st Carla (155 game points scored)
    2nd Richard Marsh (132 game points scored)