How bananas will your fellow players act in their quest for a bounty of bananas on their boat?
Your goal in Puerto Banana is to be the first player to collect 200 bananas. Each player starts with 10 bananas, and the first lot up for bid is 10 bananas. You can secretly bid any amount for this lot — even far above 10 bananas!
Players then reveal their bids, and if the player who bid the most can pay the difference between their bid and the next lowest bid, they pay this difference to whoever made that bid, then they win the current lot, adding it to their banana stash; if they can't, they lose their stash.
You then compare the player with the second-highest bid and the player with the third-highest bid, etc. Eventually either someone wins and pays their bid, or if nobody else can afford to pay then the player who bid lowest gets the lot for free. If bids are tied, players split the banana pot (or bonus).
The next lot is for an amount of bananas equal to whoever has the most bananas. Continue to auction lots until someone has at least 200 bananas on their cargo ship, thereby winning the game.