Game Info

Grandpa Beck's Cover Your A$$ets
2 - 6 players
average 30 minutes
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Economic Card Game
Hand Management Set Collection Take That

In Grandpa Beck's Cover Your A$$ets, a.k.a. Big Deal, players compete to collect items to become a millionaire. The game consists of 110 cards, with each card being either an asset (e.g., home, yacht, stamp collection) worth $5-20,000 or silver (worth $25k) or gold (worth $50k); silver and gold are jokers and can represent any other asset. Each player starts with 4-5 cards in hand, and on a turn a player takes one of four actions: Play a pair of asset cards (or an asset and a joker) from hand, placing it mostly on top of any other cards acquired earlier. Play a card from your hand that matches the top card of the discard pile, then place this pair on your other assets. Attempt to steal the top assets from another player's collection. Discard one card from your hand. When trying to steal, point to the top assets you want to take, then place a matching card (or a joker) from your hand onto the table. The player who owns these assets can then do the same thing. Players go back and forth this way, and the last player to play such a card keeps all of the cards played and the original assets. At the end of each turn, players refill their hands to 4-5 cards as needed. Once the draw pile runs out and one player has no cards left in hand, the round ends. All players tally the value of all cards in their collection and add this sum to their total score. If a player now has at least $1 million, she wins; otherwise, players shuffle the cards and start a new round.

Overall Statistics for Games I've Played

Total Games Played: 1
Average Players Per Game 6

Win/Loss Statistics for Games I've Played

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Sheila Hildebrandt 25  1 25.00 
100 %
Alexandra Hildebrandt 15  1 15.00 
0 %
Floatplanes 10  1 10.00 
0 %
Pete Hildebrandt 1 6.00 
0 %
Keith Hildebrandt 1 4.00 
0 %
Karlee Hildebrandt 1 2.00 
0 %

    Last 1 Played Games for Games I've Played

    Date Played Result
    1st Sheila Hildebrandt (1,440 game points scored)
    2nd Alexandra Hildebrandt (1,000 game points scored)
    3rd Floatplanes (815 game points scored)
    4th Pete Hildebrandt (785 game points scored)
    5th Keith Hildebrandt (780 game points scored)
    6th Karlee Hildebrandt (635 game points scored)