Game Info

2 - 4 players
average 30 minutes
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In ERA, you will lead 1 of 4 special historical groups on the brink of greatness or devastation. Using only the leaders, inventions, and technology of that fragile time period, you must successfully unfold the events that made that nation or culture forever remembered in history. ERA is a 2-4 player strategy card game that features a unique, 3-pile card management system to let you build, expand, and defend your unique historical group. ERA is also a symbols-only, no-text game system that provides a massive amount of information-at-a-glance for quick and effective gameplay. The first player to score 15 progress points or deal 3 devastation markers to his opponent, wins. Other exciting elements of ERA: An incredible story in every deck. Each deck in ERA is packed with a powerful story of survival, innovation, or courage. innovative "switch" conflict system. Each ERA deck contains conflict cards that represent your era’s weaknesses or dangers (disease, invaders, etc.) These cards are given to your opponent, and they give you theirs. These cards are then shuffled into your decks for you to play against each other. See history actually unfold before your eyes. ERA’s unique “unlock” system allows you relive the progression of historical events as they really happened, while still allowing a vast amount of strategy and replayability. Conflict in ERA isn’t limited to military battles. You can drown a Spanish Galleon in raging seas, cause the Apollo rocket to malfunction, or unleash the Bubonic plague against Europe!

Overall Statistics for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

Total Games Played: 1
Average Players Per Game 2

Win/Loss Statistics for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Алексей Толкунов 14  1 14.00 
100 %
TomikTolk 1 7.00 
0 %

    Last 1 Played Games for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

    Date Played Result
    2nd TomikTolk