Game Info

Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
2 - 4 players
average 52 minutes
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Nautical Bluffing Adventure Animals
Dice Rolling Action Point Allowance System Modular Board Grid Movement Memory Secret Unit Deployment

Survive is a cutthroat game where players seek to evacuate their pieces from an island that is breaking up, while remembering where their highest-valued pieces are located to maximize their score. An island made up of 40 hex-tiles is slowly sinking into the ocean (as the tiles are removed from the board). Each player controls ten people (valued from 1 to 6) that they try and move towards the safety of the surrounding islands before the main island finally blows up. Players can either swim or use boats to travel but must avoid sea serpents, whales and sharks on their way to safety. Survive is very similar to Escape from Atlantis with some key differences. Survive was reprinted as "Survive: Escape from Atlantis!" by publisher Stronghold Games and hit store shelves in February, 2011. The reprint contains the game Survive, as well as all the extra pieces needed in order to play the game as "Escape from Atlantis". "Survive: Escape from Atlantis!" is game #2 in the Stronghold Games "Survive Line". Expanded by: Survive!: The Giant Squid Survive: Escape from Atlantis! 5-6 Player Mini Expansion Survive: Escape from Atlantis! Dolphins & Dive Dice Mini Extension

Overall Statistics for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

Total Games Played: 3
Average Players Per Game 2.7

Win/Loss Statistics for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
TomikTolk 33  3 11.00 
33 %
Алексей Толкунов 32  3 11.00 
66 %
Люся Салтанова 11  1 11.00 
0 %
Женя Салтанов 1 8.00 
0 %

    Last 3 Played Games for TomikTolk's Gaming Group

    Date Played Result
    1st TomikTolk
    2nd TomikTolk
    2nd TomikTolk