Game Info

Black Stories Stadt-Land-Tod
2 - 10 players
average 5 minutes
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"Black stories: Stadt-Land-Tod" is a very fast game that can be played with at least 2 players. Theoretically an unlimited number of players can join the game - the only limiting factor is the number of pencils and sheets of paper you have at hand. In each round a letter is randomly determined. Then each player writes down a substantive for each word category that start with the determined letter. The categories are (among others): Place of murder, weapon, escape vehicle. They are predetermined on the sheets that come with the game. The first player who manages to find a word for each category stops the round and the results from all players are compared. For each word a player wrote he gets points: 5 if other players wrote the same word / 10 if no one else thought of this word. Example: Random letter: C Anna wrote for the category "escape vehicle": car Bob wrote: cab Roy wrote: car Anna and Roy get 5 points each. Bob gets 10 points. After this the next round begins. The game can continue as long as the players agree on. Finally all points are summarized and the player with the most points wins. This game is the "black stories" variant of a classical game called "Stadt, Land, Fluss" (City, Country, River) which is played by almost every child in Germany (e.g. at school during breaks). ============================ From the publisher website: Duisburg, Dänemark und Donau waren gestern- in dieser blturünstigen Version des Klassikers " Stadt Land Fluss" geht es um Mordmotive, Tatwaffen und Fluchtfahrzeuge. 50 Blatt mit Spielanleitung Translation: Duisburg, Dänemark and Donau were yesterday - in this bloodthirsty edition of the German classic "Stadt, Land, Fluss" (categories) it's all about murder reasons, weapons and escape vehicles. 50 playing sheets and manual

Overall Statistics for Roll the Dice

Total Games Played: 1
Average Players Per Game 7

Win/Loss Statistics for Roll the Dice

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Eric 14  1 14.00 
100 %
Angelina 1 4.00 
0 %
Anne 1 4.00 
0 %
Larissa 1 4.00 
0 %
Sonja 1 4.00 
0 %
Steve 1 4.00 
0 %
Thomas 1 4.00 
0 %

    Last 1 Played Games for Roll the Dice

    Date Played Result
    1st Eric
    2nd Steve
    2nd Larissa
    2nd Sonja
    2nd Anne
    2nd Thomas
    2nd Angelina