Game Info

3 - 5 players
average 15 minutes
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Push your luck at this fast paced, family-friendly card game. Take risks by keeping a very high card or by "DUCKing": If you duck, you are betting, that you have the lowest sum in hand. At the end of the round, the player with the highest sum in hand scores … nothing. —description from the designer Lulu, Sonny and Duke take part in the great duck race. Play your hand cards cleverly and draw only cards that are of advantage to you for your next turn. Watch your opponents closely – the first player to play all his cards wins the round and earns valuable points. Will you play quickly but cleverly? Or will you be bold enough to duck down and exit the round? And if you do, will you really have the lowest total in your hand? Who will duck down most quickly and thus gain the most victory points? —description from the publisher Lulu, Sonny und Duke chillen am Strand und warten auf die nächste große Welle. Spiele zügig deine Handkarten aus und beobachte deine Gegner genau.Oder passe den richtigen Moment ab und DUCKe dich geschickt, bevor es die anderen tun. Denn wenn du alle unterbietest holst du dir wertvolle Siegpunkte. Handkarten abspielen oder clever DUCKen … was ist dein Move? —description from the publisher (German)

Overall Statistics for Oleg's Gaming Group

Total Games Played: 13
Average Players Per Game 3.7

Win/Loss Statistics for Oleg's Gaming Group

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Oleg 74  13 6.00 
30 %
Dima 71  12 6.00 
41 %
Anton 60  10 6.00 
40 %
Vasilina 57  13 4.00 
15 %

    Last 5 Played Games for Oleg's Gaming Group

    Date Played Result
    1st Vasilina (43 game points scored)
    2nd Oleg (18 game points scored)
    3rd Dima (15 game points scored)
    1st Dima (29 game points scored)
    2nd Vasilina (25 game points scored)
    3rd Oleg (7 game points scored)
    1st Dima (31 game points scored)
    2nd Oleg (25 game points scored)
    3rd Vasilina (13 game points scored)
    1st Oleg (25 game points scored)
    2nd Anton (20 game points scored)
    3rd Dima (14 game points scored)
    4th Vasilina (7 game points scored)
    1st Oleg (16 game points scored)
    2nd Anton (12 game points scored)
    3rd Vasilina (10 game points scored)
    4th Dima (3 game points scored)