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Journey in the Underworld
average 20 minutes
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Exploration Fantasy Card Game Mythology Dice Print & Play Adventure
Dice Rolling Hand Management Press Your Luck

Journey in the Underworld is a solo game and was part of the 2013 Solitaire PnP Contest To Win: You must make your way through nine different locations in Hades, combatting a variety of encountered creatures and, in the final location, fight Thanatos - God of Death, to rescue your beloved. Needed to Play: The 54 game cards divided into separate decks 15-20 six-sided dice 1 eurocube to track your health or one 20-sided die Game Overview: There are nine location in Hades represented by cards. In each location you will draw and fight a number of mythic beasts, based on your current health and the number of Resources of the Gods cards in your hand. These resources allow you to draw upon special abilities that you gain through Sacred Treasure cards you collect at the end of a successful combat encounter. The player must, however, balance the use of these resources because they are limited in number. End of the Game: If you have successfully journeyed to the ninth and final location card in Hades you will encounter a number of creatures as well as Thanatos, who is on the bottom of the Location Card deck. If you can manage to defeat him during this final combat (it does not matter if you have not yet defeated the other creatures at this location, though you must still battle each creature in series) you win back your Beloved as well as victory in the game. If you die at any point along your journey, your quest has failed and your Beloved is doomed to spend eternity by the side of Thanatos, God of Death. 2013 PnP Solitaire Contest: 1st Place - Best Written Rules 2nd Place - Best Artwork 2nd Place - Best Hand/Resource Management Mechanic 2nd Place - Best Medium Sized game

Overall Statistics for Northeast Ohio

Total Games Played: 1
Average Players Per Game 2

Win/Loss Statistics for Northeast Ohio

Badges Name   NemePoints   Total Games   Avg. NemePoints   Wins / Losses % Won  
Adam 1 5.00 
100 %
mSoul01 1 5.00 
100 %

    Last 1 Played Games for Northeast Ohio

    Date Played Result